Friday 7 September 2012

Bizarre artworks, gay history and hats

It's our Blogger friend Thombeau's birthday today!

As I eulogised the man back in January:

"Thombeau is possibly the most prolific blogger I have ever encountered. From my first discovery of the rarified delights of the now defunct Planet Fabulon, and the more recently closed Chateau Thombeau, I realised I was not alone in my obsession with Hollywood and showbiz divas, vintage photography, peculiar foreign television programmes, bizarre artworks, gay history and hats!"

His current blog projects are most diverse, and include the esoteric form is void, an the magnificently camp Redundant Variety Hour.

By way of a birthday gift to a most inspirational man, here are a few videos I believe are appropriate...

Many happy returns, sweetie!


  1. Oh, you big beautiful freak! Thanks so much, lotsa love to you! XOXOX

    1. Guessed I might have hit a chord here... Jx

  2. SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: My latest blogging project, paris/berlin, for fabulosity of a bygone era!


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