Friday 2 September 2011

Que Sera

Phew! The weekend is here at last...

Even a short one courtesy of a Bank Holiday couldn't make this week feel any better.

One thing that can, however, is The Gibson Brothers!

Now this look may be a little difficult to replicate at short notice I admit, however I always find that a fluorescent metallic padded-shouldered jacket and a flowing cape is guaranteed, at the very least, to turn heads at a nightclub... Thank Disco It's Friday!

As always, enjoy!


  1. Why is it these short weeks seem so bloody long. Anywhoo you can't go wrong with a nice cape in my book!


  2. I expect to see you wearing yours at the Proms in the Park next week! Jx

  3. I haven't heard this in YEARS! Love it, I think I may have the 12' somewhere. Its a 3-day weekend here too, Enjoy Yourself! Cheers! Peace Love and DISCO ♥MM

  4. I somehow guessed you'd be a Gibson Brothers fan! Happy long weekend to you - ours last weekend was the final one till Xmas (boo hoo). Jx

  5. I have always loved that song too ;) I would have been a very over the top diva had I been a teenager when the disco ruled (it still does of course...)

  6. What do you mean "would have been a very over the top diva"? Lol :-)


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